Milka's use of this image is NOT acceptable!. The advice I would give her is to next time site the wedsite so she does not plagiarize and get in trouble.
How is sound different from music?
Music has notes?
It’s blurry try taking it again
Question - How do you earn a girl scout peacemaker award/badge?
Answer - You have to create a collage with a peacemaker kit.
Why - "Tell the girls that they are going to create a Peacemaker kit, which will hold mementos from the journey to remind them of their experience. Girls should feel free to place anything in these, like a piece of paper with a quote or poem, a drawing, an image from a magazine, or anything else they discover along the way. Pass out the glue, scissors and magazines so the girls can make a collage outside to their Peacemaker kits. Collect the Peacemaker kits at the end and bring them back to the appropriate future sessions"
Rock and roll is a style of popular music that originated from the U.S in the mid-1950s, and by mid-1960s it had developed to an international style known as rock music, though the latter continued to be, rock and roll or rock 'n' roll or rock & roll. The music is associated with performers like Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly and the early Beatles. Instrumentation and arrangements are simple: three or four instruments, and, mostly the same number of cords while horns and strings and back up singers can be added.