it was
Georgia had suffered from many crop failures because of boll weevils and a great drought. The "King Cotton" that went up during WW1 had dropped back down, and farmers were struggling to keep their land. Then the depression struck, and Georgia was hit harder than ever.
C. Re-socialization.
Re-socialization: It is defined as the process through which an individual's sense of beliefs, norms, and social values are re-structured. The process is intentionally carried out in various settings like in military boot-camps, and single-parent household through a fierce social process that takes place in a total organization.
Types of socialization:
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Developmental
4. Anticipatory
5. Re-socialization.
Let's look at all the options:
A. one of two types—social or working.
-there also also other kinds, for example family relations!
B. usually simple and easy to understand.
-this is not true. If it was true, there wouldn't be any inter-personal conflicts!
C. not influenced by people's ideas and attitudes.
-they are very influenced by people ideas! in fact, the opposite is true!
D. something that must be maintained to stay healthy and strong
-this is the correct answer! if the relations are not maintained, they will fade .
Experimental research according to research has many branches or forms it is seen to work on; here it is said to work with two variables, they can be seen to involve active manipulation of the independent variable, or intervention.
Enough data or research resource is know to support decisions made in the course of this research. Also, you must first determine the facts. Being tactful in your findings play vital roles in a persons research; thereby gathers the data necessary to help you make better decisions.
These form of research is known to be conducted under scientifically acceptable criteria and are expected to be of experimental forms and research modules.