That is a very good score! Don’t be disappointed. It’s okay to retake the SAT if you are not happy with the score. Most colleges take your highest score anyways. Good job!
Marine scientists have gathered information demonstrating that seas have turned out to be hotter as of late. This expansion in temperature would mirror an increment in warm vitality put away in the sea. It was negated in light of the fact that the measure of vitality ought to remain consistent.
In accordance with GAAP, the action you should take when the company was served with a lawsuit is to provide a disclosure on financial statements regarding the pending litigation.
<h3>What is GAAP?</h3>
GAAP means Generally accepted accounting principles which is a accounting standards that guides the details, complexities and legalities of accounting.
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In conclusion, the action you should take when the company was served with a lawsuit is to provide a disclosure on financial statements regarding the pending litigation.
Missing word"The outcome of the litigation will not be determined for several months, but it could result in a materially large settlement to be paid by your corporation. According to GAAP, what action should you take?"
Read more about GAAP
yea i would take it if the offer had a good price