Hormones. Other possible causes of mood swings may stem from an imbalance of the brain chemicals that are associated with mood regulation, as in the case of bipolar disorder. However, a person's risk for depression is increased during these times as well, so mood swings can also be a sign of a mental health condition.
My dad Mike and I were vacationing on Nantucket Island, off the coast of Massachusetts. We left from home, Concord, New Hampshire, and arrived at the ferry boat Nantucket Queen. The next day we rented a boat and sailed into Grebers Bay, the voices of other sailors and the sound of the water beneath us, and the flapping of the overhead sails was all so pleasant. Suddenly, the peaceful scene was interrupted by shouts from another boat that had turned and was heading right to us. "Watch out!" two men yelled excitedly. "We've lost control of our boat!" "Grab the tiller, John!" Dad yelled at me. "Pull it towards you when I give the signal, all right Dad?" I responded. Dad grabbed the sail and as he adjusted it, he yelled at me, "Now John! Pull back!" I did what he said not a moment too soon. Whew, what a narrow escape. The other boat passed within nearly twenty two inches of ours.
The answers are:
The farmers are impressed with how well the farm is run.
The farmers vow to implement the same kinds of systems.
In the excerpt from "Animal Farm," by George Orwell, Mr. Pilkington mentions human farmers were at first apprehensive about a farm managed by pigs and feared the consequences on their own animals and humans. However, after inspecting the entire Animal Farm, they are fascinated about the conduct and organization of it, and are determined to implement several methods of it on their own farms.