He was primarily focused on military success over cultural and economic prosperity.
D. He believed that wealthy individuals made the country as a whole wealthier.
The Plains Indians lived in the area of country known as the Great Plains. This culture group of Indians is well-known for the importance of the buffalo, their religious ceremonies, the use of the tepee, and their war-path customs.
Hope u got help from it....
William won the election of 1896 by manipulating votes. He had given a free tax of 2$ to everyone who'd vote for him and made his way into victory through cheating. He was caught in 3 years after the voting and immediately thrown off the parliament.
A similar case like this happened around 1800s where the MNET company had manipulated charts and prevented popular musical groups such as "Red Velvet" from getting their 7th win.
Vous êtes les bienvenus, stream umpah umpah. revoir.
Integration”2 is the term the panel uses to describe the changes that both immigrants and their descendants—and the society they have joined—undergo in response to migration. The panel defines integration as the process by which members of immigrant groups and host societies come to resemble one another (Brown and Bean, 2006). That process, which has both economic and sociocultural dimensions, begins with the immigrant generation and continues through the second generation and beyond (Brown and Bean, 2006). The process of integration depends upon the participation of immigrants and their descendants in major social institutions such as schools and the labor market, as well as their social acceptance by other Americans (Alba et al., 2012). Greater integration implies parity of critical life chances with the native-born American majority. This would include reductions in differences between immigrants or their descendants vis-a-vis the general population of native-born over time in indicators such as socioeconomic inequality, residential segregation, and political participation and representation. Used in this way, the term “integration” has gained near-universal acceptance in the international literature on the position of immigrants and their descendants within the society receiving them, during the contemporary era of mass international migration.