MCV = Hct × 10/RBC (84-96 fL) •Mean corpuscular Hb (MCH) = Hb × 10/RBC (26-36 pg) •Mean corpuscular Hb concentration (MCHC) = Hb × 10/Hct (32-36%) A rapid method of determining whether cellular indices are normocytic and normochromic is to multiply the RBC and Hb by 3.
About a pound
7 days * 500 cal / day = 3500 cal <==== about a pound of fat cals
The answer is The operating room.
Answer: True.
One is a ligand binding site and the other is a DNA binding site.
People who become dependent on a drug may become tolerant to that drug. This means they need to use more and more of the drug to get the same effect or to avoid withdrawal symptoms. When people are dependent they believe they have to use the drug to do certain things or feel a certain way.