D. Used reason to improve people's lives
The enlightenment was a time when philosophers challenged the teachings of the catholic church.
He declared "holy war" on the United States, thinking that we were invading there land (which we weren't). He also thought the United States were evil and must be stoped. My father fought during the war so if you have anymore questions about this, pls ask
Answer: What is the context though.
Christianity started in !st century AD after Jesus died.It spread rapidly to Northern Europe,Russia,Roman empire.Christians are facing religious persecution since time immemorial.
This persecution is intensifying with every day.By persecution we mean the harassment faced because of race.Christians have been the victims of this persecution for long.Open door world watch list released in 2019 has given the details of more than 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a christian.With the rise of Islam, this persecution has intensified a lot.
Because of their faith in Christianity throughout the globe the Christians have encountered various problems like imprisonment,loss of belongings,torture or even death.
Christians are persecuted more than any other religious group.Christians are victims of Islamist terror attacks.In some countries Christians are persecuted since they are in minority.
Religious hostilities are increasing in the world everyday.All countries must take strict actions against these hostilities.
The best way of reducing this persecution
- Appreciating all the religions
- Believing that there are many ways to reach the God,not just a single way.
- Avoiding discrimination on the basis of cast, creed or color.