Methane from Florida's livestock is being used to generate electricity.
Methane discharges account for 7% of Florida’s greenhouse gas emissions and offer a fair chance for obtaining and generating beneficial energy. There are numerous cases of municipal landfills that catch the methane gas generated by the waste and practice the gas to generate energy.
Orlando Utilities Commission fires methane from municipal landfills to generate electricity for 10,000 homes each day, and to compensate about 44,000 tons of coal per year. Every year, Florida livestock release 19,000 tons of methane that could be caught to produce clean electricity.
The Congress of the United States in fact retains most of the power in these two areas relative to the President and the individual states, with Congress having the power to declare war and confirm ambassadors appointed by the President.
With the growing threat of being relocated, they adopted the "white man" ways. Several ways they did this was by building houses, making an alphabet, building schools and churches, and making a Constituition (based off the Constitution of the US). Ultimately, it all went in vain; they got relocated anyways because President Andrew Jackson pass the Indian Removal Act.
Between Mexico City the stuff he said ^
The Zoot Suit Riots were fights between zoot suiters and sailors and marines in Los Angeles, California. Sailors and marines were constantly beating up Mexican American teenagers. On June 3rd, 1943 “eleven white sailors” said that they were supposedly attacked by zoot suiters when they had “suffered only a few minor injuries”; the police who came made it seem as if it had been the zoot suiters who had caused all the trouble (Rivas-Rodriguez) The report allegedly said that zoot suiters attacked the sailors and while attacking them they were praising Hitler (Obregon Pagan After the sailors returned to their base, about 50 sailors went to the streets and were beating and stripping anyone wearing a zoot suit While the police saw this, they prevented any interventions from anyone who attempted to help the zoot suiters The riots reached their peak on June 7th, 1943 <span>One day over 200 marines and sailors from the US Navy went to East Los Angeles and whenever they “spotted a young ethnic Mexican in a zoot-suit…the boy was beaten within minutes” </span><span>The reasoning that some sailors were giving for these acts was because there had been accusations of zoot suiters harassing women close to them). </span>