The default RDP port is 3389 but can be configured in the range of <span>49152-65538</span>
B) Punctuation
Punctuation are greatly used in different programming languages for different purposes. In the Java, C++ and C# Programming languages for example, two popular punctuation marks are the comma (,) and semi-colon (;). The comma is used for separating elements of a list and arrays, while the semi-colon indicates end of an executable statement or line of code. Other popular punctuation marks used in programming are periods (dot), question marks, parenthesis angle brackets and braces each implementing a specific grammatical syntax in the language.
The answer is "Option A".
- In the given C++ Language program on line 8 compile-time error will occur, because in the code the conditional statement is used. In if block, we check two conditions together, which is the number variable value is greater than equal to 0 and check less than equal to 100.
- In this condition statement, a AND operator is used that execute when both condition is true, but in the last condition, we do not define a variable name that, checks value. That's why the program will give an error on line 8.
There is no need of adding template strings inside a <Text> component for adding strings in react-native. You can just use simple text and for variables, you can wrap it with curly braces