You would say please in Spanish as "por favor"
Plumb= Element chimic metalic, moale și greu, maleabil, de culoare cenușie-albăstruie, lucios în momentul obținerii sau când este așchiat sau pilit proaspăt, rău conducător de căldură și de electricitate.
Ispravă= Faptă, treabă, acțiune dusă (cu bine) până la capăt, îndeplinită cu succes.
Castel=<span> Clădire mare, medievală, prevăzută cu turnuri și cu creneluri, înconjurată de ziduri și de șanțuri, care servea ca locuință seniorilor feudali.</span>
Tabacheră= Cutiuță în care se păstrează tutunul sau țigările
Satir=Divinitate rustică din mitologia greacă, reprezentată printr-o ființă cu corp omenesc acoperită cu păr, cu coarne și picioare de țap
Baionetă= Armă albă de împuns, în formă de sabie scurtă, care se poate fixa la țeava puștii militare.
a se făli=<span>A se arăta mândru de cineva sau de ceva; a se mândri, a se lăuda. </span>
Your answer would be:
In Italy, many farmers and many of the ancient sailors were. Ease, but is a roman He did not labor, but the servants of the Lord were plowing the fields, the garden, and the working cattle have healed also. A man of the peasant, who has a small plot of land he had, and great care is owed to work hard; young children were also to plow down, and taught. They worked in the fields and in the garden of the Son and of the daughter of the farmer, The farmer would lift one or two, only servants were with him.
The sailors were sailing was in a foreign land, and to the inhabitants of Rome, they were selling the grain advehebant, I prepared my great riches for himself. The great danger, however, of the cares and the riches of the great sailors and sizes.
The ancient gods and goddesses were among many farmers and sailors. Farmers gods and goddesses fields sacrificed, sailors Neptune, the god of rivers and oceans, horse and bull and Mercury, the business manager of the gods, revered.
Plz mark me brainliest!
Hope this helps!
Meanings Tappu- avadam 2) Water: Water 3) Sea - Aquatic, 4) fruit; Fruit -As opposites De tapahkaram Atappuga sour 3) Festive season Seo 2) Caution, carelessness what bo we say
I used translator-