3. Entertaining the public
The colosseum in ancient Rome was primarily designed to entertain the public by hosting gladiatorial battles fights and animal hunts. These events were specifically intended to entertain the public, which best correlates to answer choices 3. Entertaining the public.
To build a sod house, you needed the right kind of grass — grass that had densely packed roots that would hold the soil together. So, Nebraska settlers would search for fields of buffalo grass, little blue stem, wire grass, prairie cord grass, Indian grass, and wheat grass. The next task was to cut the sod into bricks.
Iran doesn't really have Civil Rights unfortunately. They have very little to no rights.
Restrictions and punishments in the Islamic Republic of Iran which violate international human rights norms include harsh penalties for crimes, punishment of victimless crimes such as fornication and homosexuality, execution of offenders under 18 years of age, restrictions on freedom of speech and the press, and religion.
The <span>purposes of the three </span>freedmen's<span> bureau was to oversee relations between former masters and slaves</span>