Thoughtcrime is negative or unorthodox thoughts towards Big Brother and/or the Party. Winston is constantly comitting thoughtcrime in 1984. Mainly in his diary, where he constantly insults the government.
After Dimmesdale’s death, and the subsequent death of Roger Chillingworth, Pearl and Hester leave Boston and go abroad. After many years, Hester returns alone and lives quietly in the same cottage she had previously occupied. She still wears the scarlet letter, and becomes a kind of wise woman who other townspeople can come to for advice. The narrator explains Hester’s decision to return to New England by stating that “here had been her sin; here, her sorrow; and here was yet to be her penitence.” Although she might have wanted to start a new life, Hester is eventually drawn back to the place that holds memories of her past.
1. - G
2. - H
3. - B
4. - C
5. - A
6. - D
7. - F
8. - E
The central and the most important idea of reading the passage is the main idea of the work.
The perspective from which the story is narrated to us is the point of view through which the author highlights his message.
The reason for which a particular work is created is the author's purpose as a literary work always contains either an autobiographical element or social issue which he/she wishes to depict.
The relationship between two or more events in which the cause brings about the consequential effects either positive or negative.
Reading between the lines is the analysis of a particular work for better understanding and criticism.
The method of relating two or more objects is the comparison and contrast for better analysis.
The separation of a whole into parts is cited as Inference for better clarity of the events that occurred throughout the story.
To find as many relationships as possible within or between texts is the ability to connect the character's actions and the plot.
Answer: B
Seasons don't have capitalizations. Spring, summer, fall, and winter should all be lowercase in a sentence except for the start of one (like this sentence). Therefore, B is the only correct sentence.