Because of colonialism and international influences within African territory, culture has become somewhat diversified, influenced and with distant and modified concepts from the region's ancestral culture. All of this has generated such a strong cultural diversity in the environment that few things are seen and done by the ancestors of the African people. With the passage of time and American influences on the continent, African culture has become increasingly American, which makes us claim that African cultural values are only illusions.
This tends to worsen with the influence of Western countries in Africa, which causes native Africans to increasingly abandon their roots and adopt different and distant values. This is very damaging to a nation, which loses what makes it unique and special.
For this reason, it is important for African families to research and encourage the implementation of ancestral and pure African values, practices and concepts, returning to their roots and keeping their culture alive, influential and admired by themselves, their descendants and the world. Thus making the culture alive through the centuries.
Eventually the Europeans, for reasons of their own, became reluctant to continue shipping so much silver to East Asia. This is largely because they preferred to hoard the silver so that they could use it to pay mercenaries in their ongoing wars. They started looking for something else to export to China and found that they were in a real bind because there were very few things that they produce more efficiently than the Chinese could. The thing that eventually filled the gap left when the Europeans tried to cut back on their silver shipments was opium.
Opium served a whole series of functions for the British in particular. It helped make their new colony in India profitable by providing a very ready revenue source. It saved on the silver that they no longer wanted to ship and, of course, the story of the opium trade to China then gets us into a whole different period of world history and different kinds of links between China and the outside world.
Hello mama’s there is no question I might ask once you put a question I can help alright dear :)
I want to say B! It's been a couple years since I learned about this :(
Le Tibre (latin Tiberis, italien Tevere) est un fleuve italien qui se jette dans la mer Tyrrhénienne. C'est le troisième plus long fleuve d'Italie après le Pô et l'Adige. Il traverse notamment la capitale italienne, Rome, à l'histoire de laquelle il est étroitement lié.