. After slavery, state governments across the South instituted laws known as Black Codes. These laws granted certain legal rights to blacks, including the right to marry, own property, and sue in court
. Family, church, and school became centers of black life after slavery. The Freedmen’s Bureau (1865-1870), a government agency established to aid former slaves, oversaw some 3,000 schools across the South and ran hospitals and healthcare facilities for the freedmen.
. From the late 1860s white supremacists in the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) terrorized African American leaders and citizens in the South until, in 1871, the US Congress passed legislation that resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of Klan leaders and the end of the Klan’s terrorism of Americans for a time.
the banner shows that he is calling out upon the people, and voicing that he is in fact still a human.
manifent destiny: the ideology that the u.s. should have as much control, as wanted because of a religous higher power.
It eliminated the defense of diminished capacity
At least, from what you said I'm assuming that's what you wanted, if not, just say so and elaborate why and I'll try to find another solution