The Holocaust is a term used to describe the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews and others in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
Holocaust" is a term that means "burning the whole thing." It comes from terms related to burnt offerings of animals in ancient religions. Essentially, the unwanted Jews and others in Germany were treated like animals to be slaughtered. You can find appearances of the term "holocaust" in use already during World War II, such as the records of Britain's House of Lords in 1943 noting that a member there had asserted that "the Nazis go on killing" and urging some relaxing of immigration rules so that "some hundreds, and possibly a few thousands, might be enabled to escape from this <u>holocaust</u>.” But the term gained its main currency as historians in the 1950s began to use the term in reference to the Nazi's campaign of genocide.
By the way, the term "genocide" is another that came into use around the same time. Raphael Lemkin, a Polish legal scholar (of Jewish ethnicity) had been studying the problem of mass killings of a people group since the 1920s, in regard to Turkish slaughter of Armenians in 1915. He coined the term "genocide" in 1944, in reference also to the Holocaust. The term uses Greek language roots and means "killing of a race" of people. Lemkin served as an advisor to Justice Robert Jackson, the lead prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials. "Crimes against humanity" was the charge used at the Nuremberg trials, since no international legal definition of "genocide" had yet been accepted. Ultimately, Lemkin was able to persuade the United Nations to accept the definition of genocide and codify it into international law.
Kennedy at Harvard: From Average Athlete To Political Theorist in Four Years. John F. Kennedy entered Princeton September 1935. Although both a father and brother had attended Harvard, Jack decided against it.
Hope this helps you
The main power of the legislative branch is their ability to make laws. If bills pass the House of Representatives and the Senate, all they need is a signature from the president so that it will be a legitimate law.
As far as debating bills in the different branches of the legislature, there are a few differences between the two. For example in the House of Representatives, there isn't anything such as an unlimited debate. The time used to debate a bill is limited. As for the Senate, members can in a way lay back and relax and stall and spend all the time in the world debating about a bill. The longest running debate was 48 hours long! This my friend is called a filibuster.
A difference in special powers between the House and Senate is their heavy affect on impeachment on high government officials(Such as the President of U.S.), they have the ability to push and throw out impeachment charges. However, it is the Senate that will hear the case and decide on whether the person will be removed from office or not.
The phrase Advice and Consents means that Under the Constitution, presidential nominations different posts take effect only when confirmed by the Senate. As well as with international treaties. The Senate must confirm it for it to become effective.
El 25 de julio de 1898, Estados Unidos invadió y se apoderó de Puerto Rico como parte de la Guerra Hispanoamericana. Estados Unidos intentó legitimar este acto colonial al firmar el Tratado de París con España, el antiguo propietario colonial de Puerto Rico, en 1898.
He make sure to know what he was doing and the consequences