What works of art or literature influence your life? if you wanted a translation.
Castilian dialect, Spanish Castellano, a dialect of the Spanish language (q.v.), the basis of modern standard Spanish. Originally the local dialect of Cantabria in north central Spain, Castilian spread to Castile. After the merger of the kingdoms of Castile, Leon, and Aragon in the late 15th century, it became the standard language of all Spain and in the following centuries the language also of Spanish America.
Answer: I’ll translate first and then answer the questions
Explanation: ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta escuchar?¿Son tus gustos similares a los que escuchan la gente que conoces? Si no, ¿qué tipo de música es el más popular entre las personas que conoces?
Normalmente escucho pop (<—insert your music type there), aunque a veces también escucho country (<— you can change that type of music as well). No me influencia el tipo de música que escuchan mis conocidos, ya que, ellos escuchan más bien rap (<— music type) y a mi no me gusta mucho
Translation of what I just wrote: Normally I listen to pop music, even tough sometimes I also listen to country. I’m not influenced by the type of music that my acquaintances listen, because, they mostly listen to rap and and I don’t like it at all
Paco camina hacia _______ (say where Paco is going and if the place is masculine write "el" before it, feminine "la" before it).
Lola tiene ________ libros (say how many books Lola has and if its one book write " un libro").
________ canta (name of person who is singing and if its plural change to "cantan").
I can't answer the whole thing because I don't know what the picture shows.
Pública el artículo en el que necesitas ayuda!!