Participating in jury duty. You get put on a list once you turn 18.
You made a little typo here!
Al Smith died in 1944 so he could not have participated in the election of 1982.
Instead, he was a candidate in 1928.
The other candidate was Herbert Hoover, a Republican, who also won the election.
the main purpose of war is destruction....
<em>War serves to provide a definitive answer to a dispute. War may kill many people in a short time but a bad peace will kill more and worse destroy more lives. It is just a slower evil. Nations or elements in nations are experiments. Conflicting idealologies fight for supremacy and when that fight reaches a stalemate war is the only way to break it without decades of slow simmering conflict that often creates the most violent outbursts and is most typically associated with genocide. Hatreds boil for too long and what happens when they boil over is often the worst evils attributed to war. Ironically they are really the evils of a bad peace. A peace kept too long when a short violent episode could have resolved the matter and real peace developed.</em>
George Washington
the first president of usa