A run-on sentence.
A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence, but actually isn't a complete sentence. For example, 'I like cheeseburgers' is an independent clause. Sentence fragments never have independent clauses, but instead are dependent clauses or phrases. So, it would not worked.
A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly.
A grammatically correct sentence is when a sentence is grammatically correct.
I said this is a run on sentence, because there is no comma or any type of puntuation between spaghetti and I.
Consonant blends, also referred to as consonant clusters, are a set of two or three consonant letters that when pronounced, retain their sound. Blends are found either at the beginning or end of a word. For example, in the word “break”, the “b” and “r” sounds are pronounced.
Answer: ask your teacher you need help
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According to Asagai idealists are those people who accept changes and also dream to bring that change.Realist are those people who think regarding the future.
From the play A Rasin in the Sun written by Lorraine Hansberry where Joseph Asagai is a Nigerian student who has described idealists and realists in a different way . According to him idealist are considered as those person who accept changes as well as try to fulfill their dreams so that they can bring the change. On the other hand realists are those people who think practically that is they look forward towards future rather than focusing on dreams.