He can install cameras so that way if anyone steals anything it will be caught on camera so A
After 2/3 of Congress votes to pass an amendment it is sent to States for approval. 3/4 of the states (38) must approve before it is ratified to the U.S Constitution. This is done by a vote in the State Legislature or a special ratifying convention.
Answer:In nonpartisan elections, each candidate is eligible for office on his or her own merits. Single Dominant Party: In single dominant, or single-party systems, ...
Robots can know things instantly as humans can not we at least think about it for 1-90 seconds before we come up with with our answer same as I had to do for yours.
A copy of Trotha's Extermination Order survives in the Botswana National Archives. The order states "every Herero, with or without a gun, with or without cattle, will be shot. I will no longer accept women or children, I will drive them back to their people [to die in the desert] or let them be shot at."