Ecology is the study of ecosystems.
There is no absolute reason as to how they survive besides organisms learning to adapt. In order to live in a polluted environment the animals have to survive and learn to adapt.
1. Protein synthesis on attached ribosomes:</h2><h2>Destination: cell membrane.
</h2><h2>One general function
: to be a surface receptor.</h2><h2>2. On free ribosomes- destination: cytosol
</h2><h2>One general function: microfilaments.</h2>
Proteins are synthesized by the process known as translation. Translation occurs by ribosomes as they can be attached with endoplasmic reticulum or they can be free in the cytosol.
Protein is synthesized according to the sequence of nucleotide on mRNA.
Newly synthesized protein contain signals sequence which targets then for their final destination.
1. ONE ultimate destination of a protein produced on an attached ribosome: These proteins, after synthesis enter into ER and then according to the signal sequence, they reach to their final destination.
Example: cell membrane.
One general function of the protein
- to be a surface receptor
2. One ultimate destination of a protein produced on a free ribosome: cytosol
One general function of the protein: microfilaments
Plantae : Plant-like Multicellular Autotroph
Animalia: Animal Like, multicellular- heterotroph