The answers are "When you ride in a 1967 car, the world just seems to move a little slower." And "There you are, waiting for the bad news, when a relative starts laughing loudly."
antonym or opposition
Context clue is basically a setting of a sentence which helps us gain unknown piece of information or a meaning.
Let's show that on the example given.
We might not be familiar with the meaning of the word novice, however we see that the conjunction although is used. This conjunction denotes opposition, a change of tone to express something that's contrary to previous information.
Now, it's obvious, from this context, that the word novice means opposite of experienced.
This way, without looking up a dictionary, we could discover the meaning of the word.
normally pandas have 2 but one usually dies
Cornell's note-taking style might work best for taking notes on a lecture and summarizing the main ideas.
Describe Cornell's note-taking method.</h3>
Long sentences are discouraged while using the Cornell Note-Taking method. It is about making quick notes using identifiable abbreviations and symbols in the right-hand column. Prepare an alphabetical list of acronyms and idioms before you start taking notes. This facilitates taking notes much more. Make one statement that expresses the primary idea of the Cornell note-taking approach to summarize it. Include fresh knowledge acquired. Provide a few crucial details that illuminate the core theme. Make sure the supporting concepts are related to the main topic by reviewing the synopsis.
To learn more about Cornell's note-taking method, visit: