providing telephone systems that have video and voice-to-text capabilities
Given the fact that nurses may at times have to speak with patient's over the phone, or communicate with other health practitioners, telephone systems with video and voice-to-text capabilities would be an adequate provision.
The video feature would help the nurse to communicate in sign language with the caller or simply see the person calling, while the voice-to-text feature will help the nurse read the message from the caller. So, this is a good provision for a deaf nurse.
Después de mucho planear y estudiar los posibles lugares donde podría estudiar en el extranjero, decidí pasar una temporada en España. Como quiero hablar este idioma con fluidez, nada mejor que estudiarlo en su país de origen. Además, como estaré en Europa, me gustaría ir a otros países europeos, cuando no esté en mis días de escuela, para aprender más sobre otras culturas.
También quiero ser muy sociable con los españoles y conocer a varias personas, para poder comunicarme mejor y mejor en ese idioma, además de planear ir a varios lugares turísticos para tener buenos recuerdos sobre mi estadía en el país.
The above text was written following the instructions shown in the question. Using the verbs “to be”, “to know”, and “to go to” + an infinitive, which are highlighted in bold, in addition to showing the plans for a trip to a Spanish speaking country. The trip was planned for the near future and has activities that include language learning.
A crush is something that you feel for any person that you physically like. Love is a feeling you develop for a person over time.
the difference is almost love and lust.
Getting to relax with no one bothering you, yelling at you to do something, making you do chores. Having a whole day to yourself just to sit outside and look at the sky, having nothing or no one to ruin the mood. It would be better to be alone though, so you could just be able to relax and be calm without feeling stress or having any worries, is what i call a perfect day. :)
yes because the crop supply will lower. Thus making less to sell