Laser-ranging devices can detect even tiny movements of the crust along a fault.
These devices use a laser beam to detect even tiny fault movements. A laser pulse in a narrow beam is sent towards the object and measures the time taken by the pulse to be reflected off the target and returned to the sender.
Nigeria is very hot, if you see pictures of Nigeria you can see how the sun is shining very brightly on the houses and on people. Their color of their skin are adapted to support the sun hot temperature.
The answer is C. An international lawsuit brought to GATT by Central and South American countries against the US for imposing unfair standards for the harvesting of tuna.
The Tuna Dolphin Case was a case that Central and South American tuna exporters lodged against the United States; the case, in which complaints were made against United States embargoes on tuna products from Central and South American countries that didn't protect dolphins while they harvested tuna, was lodged at General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) committee, and later at the World Trade Organization (WTO).
It is least likely that Japan will be experiencing population growth.
Japan is a country that has a very large population for a country of its size, over 120 million people. Japan though, faces huge demographic problems, which will be more and more serious as the years pass by. The problems now are not that the population is very large, but that the population is aging and will start to experience sharp decrease in the coming decades.
The total fertility rate (TFR) of the country is only 1.27, which is far from enough for simple replacement of the population, as for that a TFR of 2 is needed. Less and less children are born, which in turn provides smaller and smaller population for reproduction with each generation. On the other hand, Japan is a country that has one of the highest life expectancy in the world, and the old population is constantly on the rise.
Such situation brings in lot of economic problems, as very soon the number of old people will equal the number of people of working age, and that is almost impossible to be managed. The Japanese governments have been trying to persuade the young people to form a family and have more children, but the reality is the opposite, as more and more young people decide to be solitary, not form a family, and if they do, they tend to have one child, or maybe two.
Learn more about aging population