C, and E
C and E are definite answers and A and B are definitely not. I suspect D isn't either but in one phase of the Korean war UN troops which were largely American pushed the North Koreans back across their own border. However I would stick with C and E.
Donald Trump
Don't need an explanation for this.
Federal jurisdiction is the authority to exercise the judicial power of the Commonwealth. State or territory jurisdiction is the authority to exercise the judicial power of a State or Territory. The courts in each polity (Commonwealth, State or Territory) comprise the judicial branch of government in that polity.
Women participated by boycotting British goods, producing goods for soldiers, spying on the British, and serving in the armed forces disguised as men. The war also affected the lives of women who remained loyal to the crown, or were politically neutral; in many cases, the impact was devastating.
Treaty 96: TheTreaty required non-associators to remain neutral in the conflict between Whigs and the English in return for being left alone by the Council of Safety.
Declaration of Independence: The Declaration of Independence is defined as the formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain. An example of the Declaration of Independencewas the document adopted at the Second Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776.
Articles of Confederation: The original constitution of the US, ratified in 1781, which was replaced by the US Constitution in 1789.