The diagnostic term for beri/beri refers to <u>body weakness "weakness/weakness"</u> and is caused by the lack of thiamine (part of B complex: B-1) in the diet. Beri/beri typically attacks/damages the nerves and can further lead to loss of strength of muscles or worse case - paralysis.
Perception of pitch and sound intensity is the cocklear
A. Thalamus
There are two large ovoid organs called the thalamus, which form most of the lateral walls of the third ventricle of the brain. A variety of receptors transmit signals from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex. Thalamus is anatomically situated adjacent to the midline third ventricle in the brain.
The professor Bonefinder has made a mistake.
I't is true the Hominoid had a long snout, a large orbits that are partially enclosed, but they have no tail. This point is really critical because the morphology of an species is really important. The taxonomists use the information that morphology gave for many years to identify species, nowadays with molecular techniques some of those species are pulled apart, but the important matter is that hominoids had no tail.
So the professor Bonefinder analysis is incorrect because the hominoids have no tail.
Answer:In the central nervous system, the supporting cells are collectively referred to as neuroglia.
Explanation:In the central nervous system, the supporting cells are collectively referred to as neuroglia.