The Maya were native people of Mexico and Central America, while Aztec covered most of northern Mesoamerica.
American preacher Jonathan Edwards preaching style as compared with the British preacher George Whitefield's, was that Whitefield had a powerful and passionate style while Edwards spoke to his parishioners calmly and quietly.
George Whitefield was an evangelist of the church of the England. He was a preacher of the England and had travelled all over the world to preach his religion.
The way he preached had become talk of the town. People had started believing what he said just because of the way he spoke and delivered his speech. His determination, style and emphasis on the words made people weep during his sermon.
Native Americans, establishing trade, society, and agriculture
Pros: Gave more jobs to people
Production of goods
People had access to cheaper goods and better education
Cons: bad quality working condition