The answer is committee consideration. This is the place the designated committee thinks about the bill and has up to a half year to set up a provide details regarding that bill, unless there is a determination by the House or by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly that the day and age be changed.
Being primarily a teacher, Buddha traveled to nearby
kingdoms to share his insights with those who were receptive and interested. Likewise, he
instructed his monks to go forth in the world and present his teachings. He did not ask others
to criticize and give up their own religion and convert to a new one, for he was not seeking
to establish his own religion. He was merely trying to help others overcome the unhappiness
and suffering that they were creating for themselves because of their lack of understanding.
Canals cut the cost of transporting materials, improved railroads which helped the movement of heavy wagons, railroads linked manufacturing cities with different materials.
Here is some information that you can use to help your write this essay:
- There are no social classes- This means that there are no poor individuals within a society. There is no upper, lower, or middle class. Everyone has about the same amount of income/resources.
- Little economic freedom- The government plans the economy. This means they control how many products a business makes and how many goods/resources each family has.
- Individual freedom- In a capitalist society, citizens can buy whatever they want as long as they have the money. This allows citizens to do what they want, when they want, without having the government telling them what to do.
- Poverty/Homelessness- This system involves very little government interference with the economy. This means there will be social classes. Ultimately, some individuals will end up poor or homeless for any number of reasons.