Describe a homeless person using Spanish vocabulary.
el estereotipo de la persona sin hogar es muy sucio y desordenado. Una persona sin hogar suele ser pobre. por lo general no están limpias ni tienen un trabajo. por desgracia la mayoría no tienen familia lo que significa que no tienen lugar para alojarse.
English translation:
A homeless person stereotypically is very dirty and messy. A homeless person is usually poor. They are usually not clean or have a job. Unfortunately most have no family which means they have no place to stay.
Hello friend:
How are you? I am well. Some activities I like:
I like to dance. I dance to all types of music, especially tcumbia, salsa, and merengue. I also like to sing. I sing romantic music but I also sing music with mariachi. I play the guitar and the piano. And you? What do you like to do?
Right now I am nervous because I need to study for my math exam. I need to study now.
See you later,
Xavier Yahir
El mecánico te muestra <u>sus</u> autos.
(of his) will be <u>theirs</u>
in english its: where do you go to send/mail a card/letter
- Yo iré al parque acuático con mi familia.
- Mi familia y yo haremos senderismo en la montaña.
- Mis padres comerán en un restaurante italiano.
- Mi abuelito me contará historias en su casa.
- Mi hermano mayor nadará conmigo en la piscina comunitaria.
These are the <u>prayers</u> that I have created, if you have any questions let me know.