Update the vocabulary table and grammar guide with the new vocabulary and grammar rules that you've learned in this unit. Consid
er printing
this activity to use throughout the course.
Part A
Update your Vocabulary Table here:
1 answer:
Examples Translation Pronounciation tips
- Equipaje Baggage (eh-kee-pah-heh)
- Ferrocarril Railway (feh-rroh-kah-rreel)
- Anaranjado Orange (ah-nah-rahn-hah-doh)
- Acojedor Cozy (ah-koh-heh-dohr)
cant do B sorry
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The correct answer would be un maestro
That you didn't understand you
el chico Carlos es un perezoso
Answer: Estás
Your welcome :)!
Answer: Elena y gloria son bonitas.