Second hand = 1 rpm:
1/60 rps; i.e. 1/60 cycle/s; i.e. 1/60 Hz
Answer: the employee tend to best practice is the HCN. option c is the most correct option.
Explanation: HCNs means Host Country Nationals. This is when a company from one country goes into another country to operate and employs people from the host country. This employment tend is practiced by international companies, to satisfy the employment demand of the host country and to protect the interest of their company in such country. For instance Chevron goes from U.S to operate at Singapore, and their employed citizens of Singapore.
The Host Country National employee tend will help to secure an international company, because the government of the host country will consider it's citizens to be among the entity of the company, if he wants to take any action on the company. It also makes the company to be accommodated by the citizens of the host country.
to get good grades, you must study and pay attention to score high, since the tests are inconsistent and at unknown passages of time.
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B . Plains , I do not know the explanation
It depends on...
B. distance
C. orientation