A monotheistic religion worships only one god, a polytheistic religion worships many gods. Examples:
Monotheistic: Islam, Judaism
Polytheism: Hinduism, Buddhism
encoding, storage, and retrieval
According to the psychologists three stages are responsible for the memory and learning process: they are encoding, storage, and retrieval.
1. Encoding: This is the first phase of the learning process of particular information. Encoding involves three basic areas through which memory of a particular information is being encoded; these are acoustic, semantic, and visual encoding.
2. Storage: It refers to the ability to retain a particular information in the memory. In other words, it maintains information over time.
3. Retrieval: It refers to the phenomenon of accessing a piece of information whenever required that is taking out the information from the memory to the conscious awareness.
I'm pretty sure its B if not than D
In my opinion
is this a virus cuz Im scared
give above guy brainiest. thanks