It's either B or D. I'm leaning towards B but you choose which is better.
When a problem has infinite solutions, you'll end up with a statement that's true no matter what. For example: 3=3 This is true because we know 3 equals 3, and there's no variable in sight. Therefore we can conclude that the problem has infinite solutions. You can solve this as you would any other equation.
doctor are not more important than farmer we will definitely die without food but we made live life pretty healthy without going to be to the doctor and lots of healthy vegetables are good medicine are prouced by farmer . If we eat healthy food we didn't need to go hospital.
A ? (question mark) is something that's used to signify that you're asking a question through text. For example:
Hey Dad, may I have a glass of water?
I believe it’s exaggeration
since like the silent p in psychology
silent k in knee
silent w int wrinkle
the e is silent in exaggeration