"Without sea ice, arctic plants and animals must either adapt or migrate. If they can’t, they will go extinct."
"If that isn’t enough, people who live in coastal communities within the Arctic Circle are also battling erosion along their coastlines."
"(These communities must relocate inland or their homes and land could be washed out to sea.)"
"(For ice in the Arctic, it’s a race against time. If humans do not change what we are doing to the global climate, the ice will continue to disappear and life as we know it will be altered.)"
These values, as shown through the epic poem Beowulf, defined what a great thane must do to live the Heroic Code, and secure his place in society. Some of the most important of these values include bravery, truth, honor, loyalty and duty, hospitality and perseverance.
Characters: Grendel
a fact can be proven, while an opinion is an idea shared that cannot (or has not yet) be proven.
B. the same line you left off. however, make sure to reference in accordance with the type of paper you are doing, apa or mla