Both the women defy the idea of driving banned for the saudi women.
Both the women who are interviewing have a common view. Both of them are totally against the idea that the women in the saudi area are not allowed to drive vehicles.
The comments that they make in the interview is affecting the audiences and making them aware to stand up for their rights and speak for their justice. The women say that they will protest against this and they want liberties and rights for themselves.
Go to the Brainly symbol in the top left corner, press it. This will open up a page of questions. Click on the question and press <em>+Answer</em>.
This is not an English question, it should not be in the english area.
C. Revising a poem’s ideas and words
This question refers to Mackenzie Connellee's poem "Invitation".
There, the author counters the claim that writing poetry is easy work and gives some examples of the creative process.
In the mentioned lines, the author makes a metaphor about poetry "slopping lazily over the couch of a page" while the author has to "remove its muddy shoes and rearrange the pillows". That means that it takes some hard work and long road from the idea and raw material to the finished poem.
It symbolizes people spending money on stuff online, making companies grow and gain more money, People become addicted to shopping online and wasting money. They are supporting companies.
Cigarettes should be illegal because it helps with lung cancer.