Ingreso Devengado-Recaudado (simultáneo): Devengado: es el momento contable que se realiza cuando existe jurídicamente el derecho de cobro. Recaudado: es el momento contable que refleja el cobro en efectivo o cualquier otro medio de pago. ... Gasto Comprometido-Devengado-Ejercido-Pagado (simultáneo).
Setting good examples, keeping everything in order, making sure every thing stays in line, and provide work for the teachers to teach the students
1. The revenue of gingerbread decreases as the years go on.
2. Gingerbread was close to reaching $25000 of revenue in 2007
3. Peanut butter had the least amount of revenue
The answer is: A. accountant
The main duty of an accountant is to prepares the financial information of an individual or an organisation. In order to do this, you need a really good command of math skills since all the information regarding the assets , liability, and capital of the individuals/organization is recorded in a numerical value.