1) New and revolucionary tactics and weapons (european powers use the inspirations in WWI)
2) Number of fallen remains far higher than in any other american war before or after
3) That is was war to prevent seccesion of Southern states and breaking of USA
The answer to the last question is 3. icy. The y ending sounds exactly like the y ending of funny. Good luck.
Answer: calculaban muchas cosas como la altura de una piramide, impuestos, medir parcelas de cultivo, etc.
in 63 of the nation's 99 legislative chambers, committee chairs are appointed by the president of the Senate or the speaker of the House. Sometimes, another legislative leader—such as the president pro tem, the speaker pro tem or the majority leader—selects the committee chairs.
The statement does not take away the credibility of how history is interpreted by historians. On the other hand, it validates it. For example, the account of the historains during the period of Emperor Caesar and his bossom friend who led people to murder him in the senatorum chamber, the human values like betrayal, disappointment which it teaches is clear without being subjective to the historian's ethnicity or experience.