Anti-war marches and other protests, such as the ones organized by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), attracted a widening base of support over the next three years, peaking in early 1968 after the successful Tet Offensive by North Vietnamese troops proved that war's end was nowhere in sight.
It is certainly not for altruistic purposes. Although he does have a point about the fact that energetic independence would boost American security by avoiding trade with brutal, dictatorial regimes as Islamic Saudi Arabia, Iran or other totalitarian regimes which provides them with funds; Pickens is mainly interested in furthering his own interests with regards to his own economic stakes in the fracking industry of shale gas and oil.
He also wants demand of oil and other fossile fuels to be reduced so thattheir prices go up, increasing his profit margins exponentially. He definitely does not care about the deleterious effects of fracking on the environment.
A-Hanging gardens of Babylon
B-Three socio-economic
D-The Euphrates... The Tigris
E-Middle East
F-Akkadian... Indus
It was James Watt, i think im right i just googled the answer and that's what they told me .
-_hOpe this helped you any _-<span />