Will come back in comments when completed
A road block or anything in one path
1. Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response.
2.The death of a loved one. The loss of a job. A serious injury. Filing for divorce and/or a separation. Being neglected or abused.
3. Eustress means beneficial stress, either psychological, physical, or biochemical/radiological. The term was coined by endocrinologist Hans Selye, consisting of the Greek prefix eu- meaning "good", and stress, literally meaning good stress.
4.The definition of a catastrophe is a large, often sudden, disaster or ending. The Japan Earthquake of 2011 is an example of a catastrophe. The story of Romeo and Juliet is an example of a catastrophe.
5.It's the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress.
I looked this question up and, in one of the sites where I found it, each number had two answer choices. Just in case, I will use them here.
A. She may / might / could be working too hard.
B. She must be working too hard.
A. He must not earn very much.
B. He may not / might not earn very much.
The answers are:
1. A. She may / might / could be working too hard.
2. B. He may not / might not earn very much.
The modal verbs "may", "might" and "could" are used to express possibility. Therefore, they do not convey much certainty, that is, the speaker is not 100% sure of what he / she is saying, but he / she knows there is a possibility of being right.
That is why those verbs are the best ones to complete the sentences above. In both cases, the speaker is supposing, assuming something. In the first sentence, the speaker believes it is possible that Deborah is tired because she is working too hard. In the second one, the speaker assumes "he" is likely to not earn much because he never goes on holiday.
Note: "Could" is also used to express ability in some cases.
How does policy premium vary with SDIP step?