Where and Why, it’s one of the fundamentals of geography unlike historians who want to know when and where.
Trump is republican which is now the president of the United States Of America. Here believes that all illegal immigrants should go back to their countries because supposedly they take American jobs from real Americans. He also wants to put a Muslim ban in Syria,Iran, Libya, Iraq and many more to come. He wants to ban them for a 90 day period from entering the USA because he thinks that anyone from those countries are terrorist. He also is against abortion, he thinks that any women that gets a abortion should be punished.
Hillary is a democratic/liberal. She wanted that all immigrants to stay here, and just deport the illegal immigrants that were criminals. She believed that not all immigrants are bad, that they should have a chance to live a better life here in America. She is pro-choice, that she believes that women should have the right to do decided if they want to keep the baby or not. She believes that the giver shouldn't decide for her on what she should with her body. She also wanted to keep ObamaCare because many Americans are/were benefiting from it, some of them were saying up to of thousands of dollars with this care.
(These are just the main topics about them.)
Renaissance, (French: “Rebirth”) period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages and conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in Classical scholarship and values.
the buying of margin had a huge inpact
1. Sincere individuals thought that if Native Americans adopted white clothing and ways, they would try first-hand how much better it was and leave behind their native culture, thought as uncivilized by that time. As they would become more assimilated to the American society, the Government wouldn't have to overlook their welfare.
2. The Dawes Act, named after its creator Senator Henry Dawes of Massachusetts, allowed the President to survey Native American tribal land and divide it into allotments to be handed to Native Americans as individual property.
3. Native Americans registered on a tribal "roll" were granted allotments of reservation land. They had to leave behind their culture and adopt the white American one. If they did so, they were granted U.S. citizenship.
4. Excess land after the distributed one to tribal members was sold on the open market. The land allotted to Native American families were a lot of the time desertic, and could not sustain them. The self-sufficient farming techniques were very different from tribal ones. Many of the tribal members didn't want to take up agriculture, and the ones that did couldn't afford tools, seeds and so to get started. Inheritance was also a problem: if there were many inherent, the parcelled allotments wasn't enough to sustain all of them.
5. The government succeeded in erasing a vital part of tribal culture, the common property of the land, setting the foundations for their assimilation and the destruction of their culture. In the long term, these various cultures still exist, despite the government's efforts on the contrary. If the government wanted to protect Native American rights, it failed.