The relationships between mothers and daughter is how they are decided
Walter Dean Myers, 73, spoke with his son, Christopher Myers, 36, about his efforts to make an impression on his father. Walter Dean Myers grew up in Harlem, the son of a janitor. He became an author, writing young adult fiction that's especially popular with teenage readers.
After leaving the army, Myers struggled with finding work and figuring out his purpose. ... It wasn't until Myers read the book Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin, which takes place in Harlem and focuses on African American characters, that he was inspired to start writing stories based on his own experiences growing up.
It is clear that bike lanes make streets safer for everyone in the community.
A commentary sentence is a type of sentence that you, the writer, write that comments on facts presented in a previous sentence or earlier in that paragraph. The commentary sentence allows you, the writer, to put in some of your opinion, analysis, and interpretation.
Mark me brainliest plzz :)
1. Kale
It’s got loads of fiber, iron and vitamins A, C, and K. It’s also got more calcium than milk. Just in case the deserted island is also somehow polluted, kale provides excellent cardiovascular support. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants – handy since there probably won’t be any doctors.
Kale is easy to grow in your own backyard; you don’t have to be a green thumb. Plant a little, and it grows like a weed, replenishing itself naturally as you pull off the leaves. As a bonus, you can boil the stems for a simple vegetable broth.
2. Beans
Most deserted islands don’t have pharmacies that sell Metamucil. You’ll need to procure lots of fiber to keep those bowels moving, and beans are an excellent place to start (in addition to all the kale you’ll be eating, of course). Beans are great because they’re easy to grow and easy to store. They’re also rich in calcium, iron, and fiber.
If you’ve brought a companion to your deserted island, you’ll want to soak the beans before cooking. Soaking for eight to 10 hours releases enzymes in your beans, which means less tooting and easier digestion. Beans also decrease your risk of colorectal cancer, if eaten regularly.
3. Kiwis and Berries
Berries are amazing and often underestimated. They help us feel full, lose weight, and prevent disease. They’re also rich in antioxidants and contain high levels of phytochemicals, which protect us from cell damage so we can live long, happy, albeit lonely lives on the island. (Or buy yourself more time to wait for a rescue). Hopefully, you brought your handy book of poisonous berries. If in doubt, stick to kiwifruit – an easily recognizable berry.
4. Cantaloupe
This powerful melon is incredibly high in vitamin A, which has the bonus of being very good for the lungs. It’s also high in vitamin C and potassium, and chock full of beta-carotene. Plus, it’s clinically proven to grow on virtually every tropical island!
5. Quinoa
Some island dwellers like to bring barley, which not only lowers bad cholesterol and promotes good cholesterol but can also be used to brew your own beer and whiskey. The problem is, it’s not suitable for the gluten intolerant, which most of us are, at least a little. Quinoa is an excellent alternative since, as mentioned earlier, it contains nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. In case you don’t plan to fashion your own bow and arrow and take down some antelopes, quinoa is a great alternative.
6. Seaweed
It’s got more vitamins and minerals than you can name, plus it’s plentiful on the island and dried easily for storage. Crunched up it works great as a salt substitute.
Deserted islands really aren’t so bad. People pay good money for that kind of holiday, and they make sure all go smoothly, such as checking if the season is right, hotels booked have good ratings, and travel insurance is sufficient to cover all of the potential diseases they might encounter. Hopefully, vitamin and nutrition deficiency won’t be one of them!