アニメ, an abbreviation of animation.
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<span>Three years Latin. is your answer</span>
Answer: Incorrect
It should be, Mater familiae cenam parāre volebat.
Sophisticated<span>səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/</span>adjective<span>1.having, revealing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture."a chic, sophisticated woman"<span>synonyms:<span>worldly, worldly-wise, experienced, enlightened, cosmopolitan, knowledgeable; <span>More</span></span></span>2.(of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity."highly sophisticated computer systems"<span>synonyms:<span>advanced, highly developed, innovatory, trailblazing, revolutionary; <span>More</span></span></span></span>