As much as i know they weren't pursuing a closer relation with them, as they were de-facto enemies in the Cold war (1947-1991)
Isolationism was the policy that kept them from joining the League of Nations. Isolationism is when a group stays away from or ignores all people in that group. Mainly political matters of other countries.
3rd Parties do not have a lot of members, do not have huge rallies, are not very "out there", are not filmed by the media often, are not often publized. One example is the Green Party which is a liberal party.
George Wallace of the American Independent Party won at least one state.
Martin Van Buren in 1848 is a good example f someone who was popular but won 0 elector votes
After the war, Cuba became a US protectorate and was granted independence in 1902.
I’d like to say that it would be probably A