An example of full time job would be a doctor, or FBI agent. An example of a part time job is a fast food worker, or artist.
A part time job could be for when you are on break but still wish to work and earn money.
A full time job is for everyday of the week and could also work for the weekends. Some full time jobs keep you for a late night shift
A list of full time jobs:
FBI Agent
CIA Agent
(I believe-) -Semi Driver
Photographer (can be a part time job)
Artist (can be a part time job)
And more
A list of part time jobs:
Fast food worker
Artist (can be a full time job)
Library assistant
Customer service
Photographer (can be a full time job)
And more
Northern who came to the south during reconstruction were known as carpet baggers, because they came to the south to become rich and take all their money back north.
Answer: is best known for conquering the Aztecs and claiming Mexico on behalf of Spain. ... Cortés ignored the order and traveled to Mexico anyway, setting his sights on overthrowing ruler Montezuma II in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.
Answer:The Patriots were the obvious winners in the Revolution; they gained independence, the right to practice representative government, and several new civil liberties and freedoms. Loyalists, or Tories, were the losers of the Revolution; they supported the Crown, and the Crown was defeated