I would ask my friend to explain the question and show me how to get the answer. I would do this because if I don't learn this now I might be in trouble when a similar question appears on the quiz or test. Cheating will never get e ahead so this is the best option for me. Someone who is ambitious and ready to learn.
This seems like this question is a school assignment, so I assume the teachers do not endorse cheating lol.
I would ask him to help me understand the assignment because, if you/I just ask him for the answers it will only benefit me for that one time. But if you ask him to help you understand the assignment then it will help you in a long run. It will benefit you and your grades especially if you have trouble with math. This will also help you not have a habit of asking for the answer or cheating off of other people's papers. Lastly, it will keep you from getting in trouble because you cheated, you and your parents will have a better/ healthy relationship.
Hope this help's you with your school work and it is a life lesson for you.
The prologue of Romeo and Juliet serves to let he audience know the backstory of the play-set in Verona, two families are fighting, and that the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are the only thing that can stop the Montague/Capulet feud. Hope this helps you!