Answer: loss of blood from damaged blood vessels. A hemorrhage may be internal or external, and usually involves a lot of bleeding in a short time
The two types of hemorrhagic are: subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage
A subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding in the space around the brain. This bleeding between the thin layers of tissue that cover the brain often causes serious consequences such as death or severe disability.
Intracranial hemorrhage, also known as intracerebral hemorrhage, is a form of a stroke where there is bleeding on the brain.
In 1840, the first indoor bowling alley opened—Knickerbocker Alleys in New York City. This bowling Alley was different from the ones we use today, but this is when bowling started to become popularized.
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When you sleep on your back, you may be more likely to be aroused from sleep or wake up during the dream phase, due to things like snoring and undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea. The following can also increase your chances of experiencing sleep paralysis and hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations: stress or anxiety.