A whole note is not equal to a half rest in a 4/4 time signature.
And I don't know how specific your answers have to be but I know that taiko is a style of drums and not usually a drumming style.
There are many downsides of animation for example it takes a lot of effort to create even a basic animation, you need skills in use an animation software, and too much animation on a page can be distracting and even annoying also it can take up a lot of bandwidth so it won’t take long to show over a slow Internet connection. Animators can fix the downsides by practicing to use the software and practice before doing the actual or final version of the animation they can also make sure that they have a strong Wi-Fi connection.
They have producers and directors that keep them on track about what happens in the movie and how they make it.
I feel like this is what my brain thinks of when it's post to be productive