The mass extinctions that occurred 250 million years ago and 65 million years ago may have been due to gradual process or Catastrophic events.
1. polarity
2. hydrogen bonding
3. High heat capacity
4. Adhesion
5. polarity
6. surface tension
7. high heat vaporization
8. hydrogen bonds form a rigid and stable network
9. Water is a polar substance and fat is a nonpolar substance.
10. Cohesion
Water is a polar molecule that is held together by hydrogen bonds to form strong cohesive forces. This accounts for the surface tension in water. Surface tension is the force acting on water that it makes to behave like a stretched elastic skin.
The polarity of water accounts for the fact that it is found in several parts of the body where it largely plays the role of a polar solvent.
High heat capacity of water enables it to function well in the area of thermoregulation in the body. High heat vaporization accounts for the fact that water helps maintain extreme temperature changes in an area.
When in solid state, the hydrogen bonded network in water becomes rigid and forms a very stable network of water molecules. Being polar, water does not interact with fat because like dissolves like.
In plants, the attachment of water to plant roots is known as adhesion and is necessary for the capillary movement of nutrients to plants via the root.
Seismic waves travel in all the directions and used to determine the magnitude of an earthquake. There are 3 types of seismic waves that move in different directions.
1. P wave: It is the fastest of all three waves that travel through the interior of the earth and are compressive waves.
2. S wave: Secondary waves generally follow the P waves and travel through the interior of the earth but are shearing waves.
3. Surface wave: This is the slowest of all three waves that moves close to the surface of the ground.
These waves affect the movement of other materials when they are passing through the interior or surface of the earth.
P waves can move through the solid rocks and even liquids. S waves do not travel through the liquids such as water and molten magma. Surface waves causes shaking of the ground and do not go deep inside the earth.