When you have multiple that are all working together on a project or in conjunction on that same project, This would we be a great to implement CDM.
Its easy for one person to make a speedy decision on behalf of the entire team or group. This would only be acceptable if time was constricted or it did not really require a group as they would not be affected .
One of the great take always from CDM is that we are all different and have our own unique way of looking at how to solve problems. When we share a problem with a group then it becomes a much better well thought-out plan. This is more likely to be successful everyone involved as everyone was heard and ideas were spoken.
He pride's himself as a wine taster and Montessor uses this against him. Additionally when they head into the catacombs Fortunato refuses to back out even he is dizzy and is drunk.
Answer: C) by creating emotional impact
the answer is c because it shows
emotional impact and the question is asking
skillful rhetoric increase in writing so
the only answer that makes sense is C
Hope this helps :)
From the short story "Mother Tongue"written by Amy Tan: Growing up, Amy struggled with the feeling of being in two language zones; on the one hand she used the simple English with her mother, who spoke English in an unclear way , according to others, and on the other hand she used the English she learned at school which was more sophisticated. There were times when she felt embarrassed by her mother's use of English, especially when her friends could not understand what she was saying. But her mother knew English very well because she could read sophisticated books in English. It was only her delivery of the language that was lacking. Later in life, Amy came to accept the positive aspects that she learned from growing up in an immigrant family, from her mother, and be grateful for the teachings of her two worlds.
synonyms of diction is manner of expression
Diction refers to the linguistic choices a writer makes to effectively convey an idea, a point of view, or tell a story. In literature, the words used by an author can help establish a distinct voice and style