consolidation financial statements are for the parent and the subsidiary for the year =$ 1682,875
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Answer: The potential selling profit
b. comparisons between companies with drastically different levels of sales is made easier
- An advantage of the common size income statement is that they help the financial users to understand more clearly interns of the ration or the percentage of each individual item in the economic statements the percentage of the total sales of the company.
There are two main ways to process debit and credit card transactions. The first is to swipe the card on a machine that reads your information based on your strip. The strip will automatically take money from your debit account with a PIN authorizing the transaction. If you swipe a credit card, it will ask for a signature. Another way a machine can read your information is by use of a chip. The chip is embedded in the card and it reads and authorizes your information once its slid in and accepted.