Many Americans learn about Boston, as it concerned with the dealing of the colonists and the British.
Boston harbour was the main port for exporting and importing goods and was an essential maritime shipping centre. Having control of Boston was an advantage for the British as they exercise the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts. Boston Massacre occurred in Boston in 1770, when the colonists began to throw stone, sticks, and snowball at the British troops who posted in the city. The view soon became disordered, and the British guards fired shots into the crowd and killing five civilians.
The Boston Massacre encouraged the people to unite and a call for patriotism in the colonies.
Answer: The Legislative part of our government is called Congress.
b. All people work together to get the job done
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Eugene V. Debs discusses how socialists in the US strive for financial and social equality among all US citizens. Debs describes how American society can be extremely unfair, as some individuals are born into wealthy families and never have to work a day in their life while other individuals work extremely hard their entire lives just to survive.
This is why Debs, and socialists in the US in general, strive for a system in which the government has more control of the means of production and the economy in general. Debs argues that all things in the US are jointly used and that it only makes sense for the government to be involved in making sure these resources are spread out equally to citizens.
Constitution of 1791. Constitution of 1791, French constitution created by the National Assembly during the French Revolution. It retained the monarchy, but sovereignty effectively resided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting. ... The constitution lasted less than a year.
Features of the Constitution of 1791 framed by the National Assembly : (i) Limit the power of the Monarch. (ii) Powers were separated to different institutions - the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789), set by France's National Constituent Assembly in 1789, is a human civil rights document from the French Revolution.